- derfinder::genomeDataGenome samples processed data
- derfinder::genomeDataRawGenome samples processed data
- derfinder::genomeFstatsF-statistics for the example data
- derfinder::genomeInfoGenome samples information
- derfinder::genomeRegionsCandidate DERs for example data
- derfinder::genomicStateGenomic State for Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
- recount::recount_abstractSummary information at the project level for the recount project
- recount::recount_exonsExon annotation used in recount
- recount::recount_genesGene annotation used in recount
- recount::recount_urlFiles and URLs hosted by the recount project
- recount::rse_gene_SRP009615RangedSummarizedExperiment at the gene level for study SRP009615